Tuesday, November 17, 2015


This is a post shared by my friend:
"Can I be in charge of the lesson for Family night tonight, Mom?"
It caught me off guard and I'm not sure why.
She made a request for scissors, fabric, a sweater, a piece of paper, and a pen. 30 minutes later she had a beautiful, accurate, and well thought out lesson about the Good Samaritan.
In church on Sunday we discussed the importance of the organization of stakes. What an odd lesson, I thought.
However, once we got into the meat of the lesson I was in tears. It is because of the organization of the church that my kids are being taught what they are.
I don't have all the time in the world. And I teach my kids what I can. But sometimes I can't. And sometimes I don't know the stories as well as I'd feel comfortable admitting. But because of their teachers, who were called by the bishop, who was called by the stake president...because of these volunteers, my kids are learning gospel stories. And understanding them. And loving church.
Sometimes it's hard to love going to church...sacrament meeting especially. Like when your kid decides to take a marker to the church bench, or they all simultaneously have screaming meltdowns and you have to carry 2 of the 3 out while crying yourself because you are so embarrassed, or whatever the reason may be.
But, because of the inspired organization that there is, and because of the disciples of Christ that I am surrounded by...relief comes.
Having to be the recipient of so many service opportunities isn't easy. But I'm learning to accept and appreciate them. And someday, I'll be able to repay. Someday.
Life isn't easy.
This post evolved.
The church is true.
The end.

Annie Vandermyde's photo.

My reply:  Love you and love that your kids listened as I taught and had the kids act out the account of the good Samaritan in sharing time! The real key that I learned just a few years ago is to follow the outline that the church organization puts out. Simple...gospel...teachings!

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