Monday, February 21, 2011

The Real You

The real YOU Took this from my niece, Heather Berger's Blog

Ok, so the other day I caught myself watching Oprah. Which, for the record, I am not ashamed of. I think she has a lot of good points and interesting thoughts. Anyways, I was watching an episode where Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers were singing together. It was great. Very country. Then at the end Oprah was sitting down and talking with the both of them, and she turns to Kenny Rogers and asks him what he likes so much about working with Dolly Parton. He gave a very insightful answer. He said, "Well each person has 3 people who they are. The person you think they are. The person they think they are. And the person who they really are." and then he said, "the closer you can get to being the same for all three of those people the happier you'll be." He then went on to say that Dolly Parton is the most genuine, real person he's ever met, because all 3 of her "selves" match up.
I love that thought! I've been thinking a lot about it, wondering how congruent I am in who I think I am, who people think I am, and who I really am. There are many secrets to happiness, but I think knowing who you are and being that is a great key to contentment in this life.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 2011

Bishopric Message

A business leader and teacher of Christianity who is actively working with some 220 different Christian denominations in New York City recently commented upon the effectiveness of the Latter-day Saint Church. He said many wonderful things about our members, about their dedication and the certainty of their beliefs. He reported, “One of the most remarkable characteristics of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that you seem to be working together. You are headed the same direction. As one, you concentrate upon doing that which you believe Jesus wants you to do. You all study the same doctrine. You respond to your leaders. You are unified.”

It is unity and oneness that has enabled us to bear our testimony around the globe, bringing forward tens of thousands of missionaries to spread the message of the gospel. It is unity that has enabled the Church, Its wards and stakes, and members to construct temples and chapels all over the world, undertake immense welfare projects in distant lands urgently in need of a helping hand, seek after the dead with the resources of the largest genealogical program in the world. We are certainly unified in our efforts to usher in Gods kingdom here on earth. In 1 John 4; 16 we are taught that “God is Love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him” . It is a loving Heavenly Father that wants more than anything that we become unified with him. When faced with challenges, whether spiritual, physical or financial you can have hope in knowing that you are not alone. Jesus said “Come unto me, all ye that labour and our heavy laden, and I will give you rest. “ I know our Father in Heaven does love us and if we will turn to him he will give us the help and understanding we need to enjoy peace and happiness as we live on this earth.

Dan Flake and the Bishopric