Thursday, July 24, 2014

Flood the World with the Book of Mormon


This book is near and dear to my heart both figuratively as well as literally in this photograph. It's helped to solidify my testimony and belief that God is real and He really loves us. I am so grateful for my Savior and for this book for helping me get to know him and his teachings better. In that way it has brought peace and happiness to my life. It's the and I highly recommend it to everyone!   Dawson

This book means the world to me. The Book of Mormon is full of truth and comfort and every time I pick it up to read, I can feel my Saviors love. It speaks for our day as well as the days that it was written. We have the bible, which is a record of Gods children before and after Christ's death along with the record of His life. It also includes when Jerusalem was destroyed and what became of His people. The bible is a wonderful book to read and full of truth. But what about other places in the world? The Book of Mormon is holy scripture, like the bible. It's a record of Gods dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas. It contains, along with the bible, the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And because that statement is true, it is the Word of God. It is full of love and grace, and I know if you read it's pages with a sincere heart seeking to find the truth, you will come to find that it is indeed true. God loves His children. And I know that He wouldn't place us on earth without knowing where to go or what's going to become of us after this life. You may have heard many people say, "I know this is true!" Or, "I know that I will be with my family forever after I die." Well, you don't have to take our word for it. I invite you to read this book. And to pray to your Father in Heaven who loves you more than you can comprehend. And you will come to find those truths that we talk about to be true in your life. This is a promise. If you want to know more please message me, or ask me about our missionaries  I would be more than happy to have you talk to them. Jesus Christ is your Savior and Heavenly Father is your loving father! I know this to be true. And I love this book and know it to be true. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
#BookofMormon #IKnowItsTrue
Jade Jensen

Those of you who know me, know that I am pretty much happy most of the time. What is there to be happy about in today's world you ask? Well, this book has taught me the Plan of Happiness! I know who I am, I know where I came from, I know where I want to be and who I want to be with. I also know that you and I have a Father in Heaven, who loves us and wants the best for us. He has shown us the way through the life of Jesus Christ. If we follow His example, we can find peace and happiness in this life and for eternity. If you want to find a happier life I suggest you check out this book. Get one free at #IKnowitsTrue